10 Amazing Facts About Whey Protein and Hair Growth

Most athletes, even weekend warriors, understand the importance of consuming high-quality, nutrient-rich supplements such as whey protein. After all, they can aid in the repair of muscles and assist in faster recovery times post-workout.

But did you know that there are also linkages between protein and hair growth? As it turns out, the protein comprises 91 percent of hair. Made of long amino acid chains called polypeptides, they’re found in the cortex (middle part) of each strand.

Fortunately, whey protein isolate promotes not only a strong body but also healthy hair, nails, and skin. If you’re suffering from lackluster locks or hair loss, it’s time to explore what grass-fed whey protein isolate could do for you.

Keep reading to find out more about ten amazing benefits of whey protein, including achieving the lustrous hair you’ve always wanted.

Reasons Our Hair Health Declines

Have you notified that your hair feels dry and brittle? Or maybe it’s thinning and falling out? These are all signs of nutrient deficiency.

To stay in optimal shape, hair requires a variety of nutrients. Chief among these is protein.

Why? Protein contains amino acids, and these amino acids represent the building blocks of shiny, thick hair. When you don’t get enough, your body will let you know with dry, shedding locks.

Not very attractive, right?

Fortunately, fixing the problem is as simple as supplementing your diet with more protein. What does this protein do in your body? It contributes to the production of collagen, the main structural protein found in skin and other connective tissues.

When levels of collagen fall, hair thins and becomes dry. Let’s explore ten ways whey protein can reverse hair damage and improve the quality of your tresses.

  1. Whey Protein Provides Essential Nutrients

Whey protein is fantastic for nutritional health. Why? Because elastin fibers form a matrix with hyaluronic acid and collagen, but this process gets interrupted when the body lacks protein.

Exacerbating the problem are other factors such as menopause and damage from toxins that can reduce our natural renewal rate of nutrients.

The result? A marked drop in hair and skin appearance and texture. Besides protein, other critical building blocks include:

  • Biotin
  • Silica
  • Sulfur
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin C

Although the link between hair growth and protein might surprise you at first, the science is clear. So, what’s the best way to bump up your nutrient intake? Whey protein.

  1. Whey Protein Is Convenient and Low-Calorie

Proteins are large molecules comprised of amino acids, and our bodies need them to function properly and stay healthy.

Protein controls major processes throughout the body, including metabolism. So, how much should you consume per day? That depends on your gender.

An adult male should eat a minimum of 71 grams of protein per day. Women require approximately 46 grams daily. For women, this equates to 17 to 21 percent of your total calories.

That’s a lot of protein to consume via steaks and ribs. What’s more, the wrong sources of protein tend to pack on the pounds. Instead, opt for grass-fed whey protein for a tasty, convenient supplement that you can take anywhere.

  1. Whey is the Purest Form of Protein

Whey is considered the purest form of protein available. A byproduct of cow’s milk, whey results from the processing of cheese. Then, it gets rendered into more concentrated forms.

You’ll find three primary types of whey protein supplements from which to choose. They include:

  • Whey protein concentrate
  • Whey protein isolate
  • Whey protein hydrolysate

Today, protein powders are more popular than ever before, and you’ve got an endless variety from which to choose. Opting for whey protein isolate, however, will ensure that you get your daily dose of protein.Endemic to Ireland’s lush environment is the production of the world’s most nutritious and healthy grass-fed dairy production.  When considering whey for hair nutrition, the best grassfed whey protein isolate is AGN Roots Grassfed Whey.  It is unflavored and packed with all the nutrients needed for skin, hair, and muscles.

It’s the most soluble and richest form of protein. It also proves more nutritious than other sources like soy, meat, and egg whites.

  1. Whey Protein Comes in Various Forms

Whey protein concentrate proves the cheapest of all three types of whey protein powders. It contains between 58 and 89 per cent protein, which makes it the lowest source of protein found in whey. The rest of this concentrate is composed of:

  • Lactose
  • Fat
  • Immune-enhancing peptides (e.g., immunoglobin and alpha-lactalbumin)

Besides whey protein concentrate, there’s also whey protein isolate. This version contains 95 per cent protein and a minimal amount of fat and lactose.

Finally, there’s whey protein hydrolysate. This version of whey protein contains 99 per cent protein. However, you’re going to pay for it as it’s also the most expensive of all three whey protein powders.

Whey protein hydrolysate is often referred to as a “pre-digested” form of whey because it has undergone partial hydrolysis, a process required for protein absorption. The most soluble form of protein, it gets digested quickly in the body.

  1. Whey Protein for Women: An Ideal Supplement

When it comes to finding a product that packs the perfect amount of protein for women yet tastes great and doesn’t prove cost-prohibitive, whey protein isolate remains your best option. What’s more, you’ll love the luster and thickness of your hair after consuming it regularly.

That said, remember that not all whey protein isolate products are created equal. To ensure the best health, look for whey protein products made from the milk of grass-fed cows.

Why? Because studies have revealed that grass-fed cows produce milk with much higher levels of Omega 3 fatty acids and lower Omega-6. Grass-fed cow’s milk contains the optimal amount ratio, which means the greatest benefits.

  1. Whey Protein and Thicker Hair

You’ve no doubt seen countless ads for shampoos claiming to make hair thicker. It’s one of the staple claims made by the haircare industry. But external products can’t repair the damage caused by an internal lack of protein in hair and nails.

Whey protein shakes for hair growth, however, heal your locks from the inside out.

Upping your whey protein intake translates into shiny, thick hair. So, put away the promise-breaking shampoos that never end up working and opt for more whey protein in your diet.

  1. Whey Protein and Hair Loss

Why do some people experience hair loss related to protein deficiency? This phenomenon often occurs when people go on crash diets that exclude protein or lead to abnormal eating habits.

Such diets can contribute to protein malnutrition and hair loss. When this happens, your body will save the little amount of protein it has left by shifting growing hairs into the resting phase. This process typically lasts about three months.

Then, the hairs shed, and new ones replace them. If you don’t have enough protein in your diet, however, a large number of strands will enter the resting phase at the same time, causing evident hair loss.

Fortunately, there’s a simple fix for this hair loss issue. Getting more whey protein for hair loss in your daily diet.

Not only will it prevent balding, but it can also promote hair growth. So, if a lack of protein is the cause for your hair loss, get ready to bid those unsightly bald spots adieu.

  1. Whey Protein and a Dandruff-Free Scalp

Dandruff is a common condition that many of us struggle with. If it seems like you’re constantly loading up on dandruff shampoo with disappointing results, we feel your pain.

There are many causes of dandruff. They include:

  • Oily, irritated skin
  • Not shampooing enough
  • Dry skin
  • Sensitivity to hair care products (contact dermatitis)
  • Other conditions, such as psoriasis and eczema

Fortunately, there’s a surprising solution to this dilemma. When you use whey protein powder instead of shampoo or post-shampoo, it keeps your scalp clean and oil-free. It also improves the overall texture of your hair and is tolerated by even the most sensitive scalps.

  1. Whey Doesn’t Cause Hormone Fluctuations

Hair loss stems from a variety of different factors, including a lack of basic nutrients, stress, and hormonal imbalances. Androgen hormones such as DHEA and testosterone regulate hair growth.

Testosterone is a male hormone. What happens when your body makes too much of this hormone? It can lead to unwanted hair growth on your face and body. At the same time, these hormone fluctuations can lead to thinning hair.

It’s not fair, right?

Fortunately, when you opt for a high-quality whey protein manufactured from the milk of grass-fed cows, you don’t have to worry about this supplement causing any hormonal imbalances.

  1. Quick Absorption for Optimal Good Health

Whey protein shakes are the go-to nutritional supplement of health professionals and well-being experts for a wide variety of reasons. For one, whey protein shakes contain high levels of the various nutrients you need to thrive.

They are also more easily digested in the body than the protein in foods, and they contain the highest Biological Value (BV). BV refers to the measure of the proportion of absorbed protein from food, which becomes incorporated into the proteins of your body.

Take advantage of these fast absorption rates to start getting more of the right nutrients in your body.

The Right Whey Protein for Women

Of course, the benefits of consuming whey protein regularly in your diet don’t stop with your hair. You’ll also notice younger, healthier-looking skin over time. Your nails will become more durable and quit peeling, and you’ll also enjoy a more muscular physique.

By making sure you consume enough whey protein in your diet, you’ll enjoy the benefits of better overall health. You’ll also have more energy because your body has all of the building blocks it needs for your muscles.

As you look for an excellent source of whey protein isolate to supplement your diet, it’s important to remember that not all whey protein supplements are created equal. For the most significant nutritional benefits, look for whey protein products derived from grass-fed cows.

Why? Because a grass-fed diet leads to the optimal nutrient levels designed to grow a healthy baby calf by providing them with a high concentration of muscle-building properties. In other words, high-quality whey protein products provide critical nutrients for muscles, hair, skin, and nails.

With grass-fed whey products, you also avoid the artificial chemicals and hormonal problems associated with lesser-quality whey protein. Lesser quality whey proteins that rely on the milk of grain-fed cows can even lead to hair loss.

You must understand the difference and go for the right source.

Are You Ready for a New You?

Do your locks look lackluster and thin? Do they feel dry or fall out leaving noticeable bare spots? If so, then it’s time to consider a nutritional deficiency as the source of your hair woes.

Fortunately, adjusting your diet can put you back on the fast track to gorgeous tresses. And you’ll also enjoy younger, healthier-looking skin, better nails, more toned muscles, and more abundant energy in the process.

Protein and Hair Growth

Of course, the quality of the results you see will depend on the quality of the whey protein that you choose. Although we’ve just touched on it in this article, many factors go into the end product when it comes to whey protein isolate.

Remember, however, that it all starts with the animals and the diet that they get fed. If your source of whey protein is not physiologically healthy, then how can you expect its product to meet the highest nutritional standards?

Fortunately, optimal grass-fed whey protein includes 25 grams of protein and a high concentration of muscle-building properties such as BCAAs. When it comes to protein and hair growth, don’t settle for inferior whey protein, or you may do more harm than good.

Are you ready to learn more about the benefits of consuming grass-fed whey protein? Please feel free to contact us with any questions that you have about how we source our whey protein and how it can help your hair and body.


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